The River Club - North Augusta, South Carolina
REQUIRED Mailbox Specifications
For address lettering, contact Communigraphics, 1400 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, SC (803-278-7217). Communigraphics has The River Club mailbox template and can print lettering when you provide them your address. Cost is $20 for a set of two address stickers.
Black mailboxes can be purchased at Lowes or Ace Hardware for around $52.00.
- Specs for mailbox 11.7" W x 15" H x 24.28" L
- Color: Black
- Material: Galvanized Steel
- Model or Mfr #: ST200BAM -
Contacts for mailbox work:
A-1 Ironwork's - (706) 832-5985 - REPAIR and Order Post and/or Decorative Ironwork
Oscar Cabrera - (706) 877-4268 (mobile welder) - REPAIR only
Keith Cave - (706) 414-1733 or (706) 724-3840 - REPAIR and Order Post and/or Decorative Ironwork
Austin Ornamental Iron Works - (706) 724-3840
Kevin Childs - (706) 832-0085 (Zac welding) - REPAIR only

Contacts above can change without notice. If you have issues with the contacts listed above, please send an e-mail to the HOA or contact a Board Member.